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Apr 5, 2011 - 10:05 am |
The last round lasted for 3 months, and I finished in top 20. I must say that the last two months of the round was all about the hunt for universal created planets with special commudities on and defending those who were worth keeping.
So in the round which started few days ago I plan not to join (read: you never know). The time I got for this is assigned for code-debugging AAT and hopefully find and solve the few bugs there is currently.
to be continued...
Dec 20, 2010 - 12:11 pm |
Hi all,
A merry christmas to ya all.
The last couple of days I have been playing the main game. Just a effort to test the new stuff. I have been away for some time (many, many months, to some not long enough ), but like many addicted players I have returned. Currently not in a position to mess up the rank, but I love to test the new stuff since they seems to work pretty good... Good Job PJ and TH.
Greeting from
Big aka Alex
Aug 15, 2010 - 6:15 pm |
It is just after midnight (local time) and the rain is poring down outside. Bad timing of my summer vacation.
Just took a look at the main. There is still some of the big guns in the game. I hope I get some time to shake things up a bit. A bit difficult to get the nedded time with a kid aged 4 all the time (it feels like all the time) asking "Dad, what are you doing?" or "Dad, help me with this game".
He has become one of the fastest "Hidden objects"-player I know. He is playing those game serval hours per day. I actually caugt him in playing the same game on two laptops at the same time. One mouse in the left hand and one in the right.
That made me ask myself "Am I at the computer too much", since children are copycats...
Soon it might be time for a AAT-introduction to him
Over and sneak-out.
C ya around in the galaxies
/Big aka Alex
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Aug 15, 2010 - 6:17 pm
Jan 2, 2010 - 3:18 am |
I have been away from AAT for some time now, BUT after testing other turnbased games with nice layouts and millions of players I always returns to AAT where I started playing web-games.
So this rusty old AAT-maddog will appear in AAT-games in this year. Hopefully I can spend the same amount of time like I used to.
So to All AAT-dogs... C ya out there in the galaxy.
Remeber that ya can get rusty man out of the maddog, but ya can't get the maddog out of the rusty man.
In other words my trigger-finger might be rusty right now, but it will not be long b4 I should be hold in a long arms distance or else...
Happy hunting AAT-year to all
Apr 16, 2009 - 3:09 pm |
my time on the main server with the new features.
The new feature is the new comm., which can be traded.
Slaves, entertainment software,..., shiphulls. in other words many new trading product. Good thinking, PJ. this might expand the trading phase in the game.
The basic idea with adding new comm. should be that players should be temped to trade those. Each comm. should have a "good side" and a "bad side". f.ex. high benefit but hard to find.
The new comm. is a bunch of low benefits. The only one worth trading was the shiphull, which demanded a hull with 1.8M holds per shiphull-unit. There is no ship-hull ports and the only planets who produced these shiphulls was auto-created. In other words you couldn't create a planets producing shiphulls. So you should be extremly lucky to find a planet created by the system. But when you do there is plenty of ports where you can sell the shiphulls. then if you got a hull on your ship which can carry those shiphulls you can make many trillions faster than the best boosting planets can.
to be continued...
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Apr 20, 2009 - 1:08 am